1. Particle が can be used after Nouns to indicate that nouns before it are subject.
- 水 みず が 流 (なが)れる
- Mizu ga nagareru
- Water flows
- 空 が きれい です
- Sora ga kirei desu
- The sky is beautiful
2. Particle が can be used to indicate that nouns before it are object.
- 私は 水 が 飲みたい
- watashi wa mizu ga nomitai
- i want to drink a water
- わたしは 新(あたら)しい電話 (でんわ) がほしいです
- watashi wa atarashii denwa ga hoshii desu
- i want to have a new telephone
3. The が particles have the same function as the no particles that can provide additional clarity for the theme / subject.
- 私 (わたし) が 行 (い) きたい 国 (くに) は インドネシア です。
- watashi ga ikitai kuni wa indonesia desu
- The country I want to visit is Indonesia.
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